

Carlo Pietro Sanfilippo

Carlo Pietro Sanfilippo spent the last 25 years working as a financial planner. Like many professionals, he was convinced that the pursuit of the American Dream was the answer to the purpose of life. Feeling unfulfilled he grappled with the weight of unhappiness until life's events forced him to make changes. Carlo set out on a journey of introspection and self-discovery that immediately led to personal, emotional, and spiritual growth. He emerged with a happier life and a story to share with those seeking to live out loud and with purpose but don't know how to begin.

Carlo is a Saint Louis native and a father of two sons. He has a passion for travel, language, art, culture, and history, and he's perpetually learning about these topics through books and experience. When he can't be in Italy among the olive trees, art, or ruins, he's transported there through the study of history. You can read more about Carlo and his upbeat Podcast called It’s the Journey here!

Are you living on purpose, or are you frustrated that the things you thought you wanted—the house, the furnishings, the yard, the car, the “stuff” and all its required maintenance—are preventing you from having the time and money to live the life you want? When the American Dream becomes an agonizing hamster wheel, perhaps it’s time for a change.


Carlo Sanfilippo followed that prescribed path of marriage, kids, house, stuff. He was living the American Dream, the life he was “supposed” to live; not a life that he wanted, not a life that fulfilled him. Nothing felt authentic. Nothing felt like fun. Nothing felt like his idea. And when faced with some devastating losses, he realized he was living a half-life.

If you’re a person who has a nice life, but aren’t living your dream, join Carlo on this journey of breaking out of a prescribed life to one of discovery, mental and emotional release, spiritual delight, and new mastery.

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