“AfterLIFE, Waking Up from My American Dream”

I shared lessons I learned on my journey, to help you on yours.

Available in paperback, kindle, and audiobook at Amazon or your local bookstore.

"In a genre that is absolutely saturated with books from those who have gone through transformations and want to share their journey with others, After Life, stands out among the clutter. It is well-written, brutally honest, and engaging without being preachy." "This is one of the best self-help/memoirs readers will have encountered in a long time."

Book Life Review

Professional Reviews

Literary Titan Review

“AfterLIFE is an insightful memoir that takes readers on an enlightening journey of self-discovery with an immersive story you will not soon forget.”

Booklife Prize, Semifinalist

“The book stands out in originality for one simple reason: it's written by a male, who shares that he needed to go through a transformation after a divorce. Honest feelings of feeling lost, not giving as much of himself as he could as a father and husband, and understanding that the change had to come from within is needed in this market. This author's deep introspection and candor is a beacon among the other self-help books.”

The Reading Bud Review

“Afterlife: Waking Up From My American Dream by Carlo Pietro P Sanfilippo is a beautiful book about hope and dreams and finding happiness.

I loved reading this book because the author used a brilliant mix of varying emotional graphs such as loss and grief interlaced with happy and hopeful moments. This book felt very true and spoke to me on a level that I quite I wasn’t expecting. “


“I’ve had the good fortune to be Carlo’s friend and fan for several years. In AfterLIFE he shares his incredible journey to finding more of what his life’s purpose is all about. His honest vulnerability and hard-but-beautiful-lessons learned will serve open-minded readers well. Like any good improviser, writer, or human, Carlo shares his story to help others. I always leave a conversation with Carlo feeling lucky, and I feel even luckier to have his wisdom in print to turn to anytime I need a quick injection of it.”


“AfterLIFE starts off feeling like a simple and sweet read, and by the time you finish this book, you’ll realize Carlo’s journey has changed you. I laughed out loud several times, but more importantly, I found myself on a personal journey into my inner being where I reflected on Carlo’s words and was transformed and changed by them.”


“Carlo Sanfilippo understands that the practice of vulnerability is equal parts challenging and liberating. It’s not an easy thing to commit to sincere individuality in a career field or culture where everyone is expected to conform. But Carlo leads by example and shares his life’s tips in this affirming and inspirational story. He’s not trying to be a hero or modern ‘influencer,’ but writes genuinely and gracefully. He encourages all of us, regardless of experience, age, income or number of degrees, to say yes to the things that inspire us, for indeed, it is those moments of ‘yes’ that can improve our lives forever. As a professional artist, I appreciate Carlo’s encouragement to follow our instincts and the consistent push toward exploration as a never-ending, daily journey.”


“Carlo has tapped into the very deep questions we all face on a daily basis but always seem to set aside to be pondered some day in the future. In sharing his own experiences, he offers a new way, a new life—if we are willing to listen to the whispers in the wind. But his message is not just about hearing those whispers but also stepping off the cliff of our comfortable lives and having the courage it will take. I strongly recommend this book to anyone searching for a life of true meaning. You will not be disappointed.”


“Anyone going through times of question, reflection, and yearning for growth should pick up Carlo’s book. His accounts of his own ‘becoming’ are shared with exuberance and truth and are relatable. His struggles and victories inspire the reader to look within and discover their own areas calling for attention and growth.”


“The journey of unbecoming of who we thought we should be to become who we want to be, it is universal and relevant. Carlo’s enthusiasm and curiosity and his witty writing will awaken your creativity and open the windows to your heart. Danke Danke Danke!”


“Carlo’s epiphany and life transformation shines a light for us all. If you are low in joy and high in frustration or stress, you are not living your ideal life. Reading AfterLIFE will provide insight and maybe even a compass-like direction that leads to living a fulfilling life.”


“Love, empathy, and forgiveness are gifts so readily given to others, yet these same gifts are met with extraordinary resistance when reserved for ourselves. The thought of self-affirming change can be a mental hurdle so towering that we refuse to even try. This book is a testament to trusting your own heart, and undeniable proof that “love for yourself ” is truly love’s high-water mark. Carlo illustrates how he found his path back to an authentic life in a way that is both relatable and profound. True to his character, Carlo communicates important lessons he learned with brevity, kindness, and plainspoken sincerity. Think of this book as a traveler’s guide for your own journey. A roadmap that you can use to glean principles to defeat the bullies of fear and self-doubt when they block your trail. There is no blueprint for a happy life, but I believe success leaves clues. That’s what Carlo offers in this book—clues. Those clues come in the form of the author’s honest vulnerability, oak-like integrity, and an unflinching willingness to risk with confidence. Gather up the clues you find useful and apply them to your own life and maybe you, too, can wake up from your American dream.”



“This book is such a thoughtful memoir about learning to trust yourself and saying "yes and" to the life you want. It made me wonder about my own life and what dreams may be hiding in a shoebox somewhere. Also, details like the bachelor meal liberally seasoned with green Tabasco had me laughing out loud.”


“I’ve been engrossed from start to finish! I love the way Carlo has used his real life lessons to give practical examples of how we ourselves can also obtain the reality of living intentionally for our own happiness, and learning how to say “yes”instead of “no” to our inner dreams.
I can’t give it enough stars to merit the value of putting this much needed book out there in a time where people are scrambling to make sense of well... everything!”


“I absolutely love this book and am so grateful to Carlo for sharing his own unique and vulnerable “Hero’s Journey” with us- (for showing just how empowering our vulnerability is when we recognize and embrace it; when we awaken to and accept our unique authenticity.) What a challenge it can be, stepping out of our awkwardly comfortable conditioned patterns of pleasing the opinions of others.”

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