Just how do you have time for that?!

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been asked that question, well…I’d have quite a pile of nickels.

I’ve been getting it a lot more lately as I’ve been having fun with my book and podcast project.

Found Time

I just placed another order on Instacart for my groceries and the app let me know that I’ve saved 49 hours. 49 hours since March of not wandering around warehouse disguised as a grocery store with shelves of commodities that are virtually identical. That’s over a work week of time right there.

I’ve resented having to drive to an office since I got out of college and mainly went out of being expected to. Lately I drive in just to get the mail, taking turns with my assistant. Between not having to do that everyday and not having to take my son to a school I’ll save at least 260 more hours of time. That’s another 6.5 more work weeks I’ve been given.

One thing I do miss, that I can’t do is go to The Improv Shop. I used to go to weekly practices and shows about 4 times a month. Not being able to do those activities has freed up another 200 hours per year.

Just those changes in my life have freed up over 500 hours per year! That’s 12.5 entire work weeks of time I have been given.

Points and Acknowledgments:

  • I’m absolutely aware that I’m privileged to have a type of work that allows me to work remotely and that I have been able to continue it through this terrible time. AND I’m extremely grateful for all the essential and frontline workers who have kept the economy and healthcare system running. Thank you!

  • I’m aware that this is also possible for me as a parent because my kids are older and self sufficient and my heart goes out to parents trying to work with little ones. Hang in there! You’ll get though this!

  • I didn’t just jump right into these things without going through sadness, frustration, anger, disappointment and more. I just got sick of feeling helpless and made a decision to do what I could and it feels good.

  • I’m writing this because I get asked this as if I’m doing something wrong. As if I’m neglecting something else in my life. No. I’m just using the 3 months of work time that I have been given. I’m not bragging, or justifying how I spend my life. I’ve gone through smaller versions of these numbers with quite a few folks and they are always surprised, so I thought I’d lay it out there to a broader audience.

I’m not giving this up

Now that I’ve been given this time, I’m not giving it up. I see no reason to go back to wandering around a warehouse to get my milk or cheerios. I still like going to specialty stores (especially Parker’s Table) to get fun things that I can’t find in the big box stores. I love walking or riding my bike to Tower Grove Farmer’s Market and also ordering from Loving Roots Urban Farm to buy things locally grown.

Also note that it’s 10 pm on a Friday and I’m alone on my couch writing a blog. I could be feeling sad for not doing a million other thing, but this is what I can do, and I’m having fun.

What do You want to do? This crazy time will be with us a while longer. Is there a book you want to read? A closet you’d like to clean (I’ve done that too, very gratifying)? Some new thing you’d like to learn? What changes have you made that you want to keep? What else in your life could you change or do differently to free up time, money, or both! I wrote about this in my book AfterLIFE if you want more examples of things I was already doing to move in this direction before the plague.

Being conscious of how we spend our time and money, looking at those activities and questioning if that is how we want to live life can be profoundly eye opening. Don’t be afraid to question what your normal is and change things up. This time period forced that change on many of us, but you can do it whenever you choose.

We are only on this tiny pebble that’s hurling through space and time for a little while. We may as well live on purpose. Make a plan and work toward what it is you REALLY want and however you really want to live. Live on purpose, enjoy your journey.

As Forrest Gump said “That’s all I have to say about that.”

Lots of love,


PS, If you’ve read my book or read enough to enjoy it, please, please, please give it a recommendation on Amazon, Goodreads and any shout you see fit on social media. I’m an unknown author and I’m trying to remedy that. Thank you!!

PS, If you made it this far and are still wondering about the picture I used, I’ll share that story with you now. When I got divorced I moved into a condo and retired from hundreds of hours of mind numbing, soul crushing, life wasting yardward chores I absolutely did not enjoy. (can you tell?)(Also, if you love yard work and get to do it then you are doing what you want…celebrate that!) I was thrilled to have the freedom to fill that time with things that made me happy. One of those things I said yes to was a giant, costumed pillow fight in my park. I have no idea who that Unicorn was but we reigned terror and wrought carnage for a moment in time and it was glorious. I’ve done a million things this past 10 year by eliminating some things to free up life to say yes to things that bring me joy, help me grow, and allow me to help my family, friends and community more intentionally.

The End


Feet on the ground, head in the stars


Be a freshman again. And yet Again!