Episode 82: Jaqueline Alio, A Delightful Conversation with One of Sicily's Leading Historians
When we say yes to our dreams and follow the threads that pull at our hearts, it can lead us to new places and new people.
My Yes Ands (as I shared in AfterLIFE, Waking up From My American Dream) lead me across the ocean to the homeland of my grandparents and that journey, with the help of Rick Steves, lead me to Jackie Alio!
Last fall before I hiked across Sicily, I spent 2 hours wandering the streets of Palermo like a kid in a candy shop absorbing the stories and lessons Jackie shared with me. In preparation for my next trip to Sicily I've begun reading some of her books. I was absolutely delighted when she said yes to coming on the show to share some of the things we talked about and to expand on the books she has written, including her soon to be released book: Kingdom of Sicily, 1130-1266, The Norman-Swabian Age and Identity of a People.
Learn more about or contact Jackie on her website Jacquelinealio.com
Follow Jackie on Facebook and Instagram!
This is the church we talked about designed by muslim architects and dedicated to an Irish Pilgram, San Cataldo!
These are some of the sweets at the Santa Catarina of Alexandria Monastary!