Lessons from the Grand Time-Out

The longer we are in this grand time out, the more opportunities there are for profound and meaningful changes in the way we live. 

Here are some things I've changed or adjusted that I'm quite happy with:

Less Reliance and even need for a Car

In a normal year I drive 10,000-12,000 miles per year. This year I’m on track to drive about 5,000, and that include higher than normal driving in January and February. If I just look at my Covid era miles I’m on a 3,500 miles per year pace. If I can keep my miles at that level, 300/month or less I could realistically not have a car in a post-covid world and just use delivery, my bike, my feet, public transit, ride share and rental cars for all my needs. Or, if I keep a car that car will last many more years due to me driving less. Americans could save Years of working jobs they often don’t even like by reducing lifestyle expenses and cars are often one of the biggest pieces of that puzzle. Even if families had few cars instead of No car and then used that car less, it would have a profound impact on their finances.

 I’m spending less on eating out

Because I have a profession that allows me to work from home, I have chosen to do that. When Covid first started and the restaurants were closed, I was cooking 100% of the meals for me and my sons and I'm still at about 90 %. Last weekend I cooked a big dish in the crockpot that was enough for 15 meals.  The cost of the pork, broccoli and rice and other ingredients was about $20. The meals I made from it replicated some of our favorite carry out places where the meal per person is $10 or more. In that example alone I save $130! I have saved thousands this year by not eating out so much, not to mention how much less trash we are creating. Now, pre-covid I knew lots of folks who were super good at and disciplined about meal planning, but I’m not one of those people. But, when I’m home already and don’t have to pick up my son from school and I have my groceries delivered, throwing something in the oven or on the stove to prep for dinner is so easy to do. We have been eating better and are saving so much money.

 I’m barely touching my wardrobe

While I do miss going out, I’ve been nerding out on how small I can make my wardrobe. My closet is half empty and I still have more clothes than I need. I boxed up stuff that I like but I simply had too many similar things so I wear fewer things more often. When those things wear out, I have tons of nearly new items to rotate in! Except for socks, underwear and t-shirts I won’t really need to buy clothes for 5 years or more! 

 These are just a few examples and I want to dive into more later, but I have been using this weird time to try new things as if I were traveling to another country and in that country this is just how things are. What have you changed in your life? What changes do you want to make permanent? 

Photo by Kumpan Electric on Unsplash


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