Shiny, New, Podcast

I wasn't sure what that state of our democracy was going to be today so I didn't know if I'd be able to announce that my podcast is live now, but like in the Star Spangled Banner proclaimed the Flag is still there! Yay!

So, it's with lots of excitement that I present to you It's the Journey.

What’s this all about?

Creating a podcast actually was an idea before I decided to write a book. I initially wanted to do something related to my financial planning practice to help people think about the “why” in their lives (money is a “how”, not the why) but compliance constraints made that too cumbersome and it was suggested I do this as a personal project. I was frustrated by that initially but then got excited about the freedom I’d have to just be me.

Some friends helped me see that I didn’t have a clear focus for the show and suggested that maybe the process of writing a book would help clarify my vision. I said "yes and” made that happen.

It’s the Journey is an extension of the topics I discuss in AfterLIFE. I’ll continue to explore examples of living on purpose through the lives of other who join me on the show.

I’m releasing two episodes now and will release one a week for as long as it’s fun. The first episode is a solo show where I dive deeper into what this project is all about.

Episode 2 is with my friend Micah Johnson who is a great example of someone who knows how to say yes to his dreams and get things done! I know you’ll enjoy his stories and if you need a new look check out his talented team at Idle Hands Grooming Company located in Tower Grove!

I have several more episodes recorded to release over the weeks weeks to come and will continue releasing one a week for the foreseeable future. I’m grateful for talented Rich Harris of Shock City Studios has done an amazing job helping me make this sound as professional as possible and he even make the music you’ll hear! Check out their site if you interested in any recording projects.

How do you have time for all this?

Great question. Thanks to the Grand Time out we are all in, I have saved 6 full work weeks worth of time but using online ordering for 99% of my shopping and by not commuting to an office or driving my son to school. After a month or so of being annoyed by what I couldn’t do, I put my head down and focused on what I could do and this is one of those things.

I did the same thing when I was a kid. If my mom made me go to my room. I’d be annoyed and pout for awhile then eventually I’d start reading a book or playing with my toys and I’d forget I was in a timeout. I’m putting in lots of evening and weekend time on this project but it doesn’t remotely feel like work.

Simplifying my life from a time and money standpoint is something I talk about in my book, and this time period is just another opportunity I’ve found to live on purpose.

Where can I find the podcast?

Wow! Another Great question!

I’m distributing through who automatically pushes it to several popular podcast platforms including Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple and more. Apple has the longest approval process so it won’t be there for a few more days. Please like, follow, share and if you feel inspired please write a (hopefully kind) review everywhere you can. That plus your feedback will help me know if what I’m doing is helpful and interesting. Here’s a link to my page:

OK, that’s all for now.

Cheers to a boring news day!



Be a freshman again. And yet Again!


Family Treasure