Weekly Podcast Episodes with Carlo
It’s The Journey
Welcome to my podcast: It’s the Journey!
You know, as in Not the destination. It’s about the process, what you learn, how you grow, who you help, and the progressive realization and waking up to who you are along the way. This is a podcast where I want to explore the means, methods, tools and examples of living on purpose, living the life we want, doing the thing things that light us up! Things that make us feel like we are alive, growing, and making a difference. I’m having so much fun with the project. I hope it is helpful and fun for you too!
Join me, will you?
Saluti, Prost, and, Cheers, Carlo
Listen here, Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music
Episode 90: Knowing What You Want, Thoughts and Exercises to Help You on Your Journey
Figuring out or even rediscovering your dreams that you may have buried is one of the most important things you can do with your life. I took time in this episode to share some tools I've learned that have helped me on my journey.